Application Form

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We strongly recommend that you get in touch with us to talk through your project before completing your application form.

Throughout the form we use the word “project” for the activity that you are seeking funding for.

For Mid Copeland enquiries please email

Community Investment Funding (CIF) is paid for by taxpayer’s money. We take our responsibilities to the taxpayer seriously and will ask you to substantiate any statement you make. If you are awarded a grant, we will expect you to deliver projects in line with your application and any other conditions that are agreed with you.

If you have any questions or you are unable to submit the form due to an error showing, please save your application (see save my progress & resume later at the end of the form) and email Someone from the team will be able to help you

We strongly recommend that you get in touch with the grants team to talk through your project idea before completing your application form. 

Throughout the form we use the word “project” as shorthand for the activity that you are seeking funding for.  

For Theddlethorpe enquiries please email

The Community Investment Funding programme is paid for by taxpayer’s money. We take our responsibilities to the taxpayer seriously and will ask you to substantiate any statement you make. If you are awarded a grant we will expect you to deliver projects in line with your application and any other conditions that are set

We strongly recommend that you get in touch with the grants team to talk through your project idea before completing your application form. 

Throughout the form we use the word “project” as shorthand for the activity that you are seeking funding for.  

For Theddlethorpe enquiries please email

The Community Investment Funding programme is paid for by taxpayer’s money. We take our responsibilities to the taxpayer seriously and will ask you to substantiate any statement you make. If you are awarded a grant we will expect you to deliver projects in line with your application and any other conditions that are set

Organisation Information

Organisation and Contact Details

Community Investment Funding is available for projects, schemes and initiatives that benefit residents of communities that form a Community Partnership

If you’re not sure whether your project is within an eligible area, please get in contact with us, or you can refer to the map at the link below

Community Investment Funding (CIF) will be available for projects, schemes and initiatives to those communities that form Community Partnerships and participate in the siting process for a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF)

If you’re not sure whether your project is within an eligible area, please get in contact with us, or you can refer to the map included on the Community Partnership website

Please note: if your project covers more than one eligible area, you must speak to us before submitting an application, as you will need to apply to each area separately.

We expect you to be able to substantiate the claims made in this application. We appreciate that all projects are different, and evidence of claims can be presented differently. Suitable forms of evidence may include accounts, annual reports, websites, letters of support, or evidence from surveys or
feasibility studies 

For Theddlethorpe enquiries please email

If you, as the main contact, do not hold one of the following positions, we will also need a legally responsible contact to sign a grant agreement if your application is successful.
  • Company - Director or Company Secretary 
  • School - Head Teacher or equivalent
  • Integrated Care Systems - Chief Executive or Director 
  • Town/Parish Council - Clerk or Chair
  • All other types of organisations - Chair or Vice Chair or Treasurer
Second legally responsible contact
If you are a company, charitable incorporated organisation, CIC or Academy / Muti-Academy Trust, we need signatures from two legally responsible contacts. This means that if the main contact is not in one of the above positions, we will also need a third signature from someone who is.

Please note: Signatories cannot be:
  • related by blood or 
  • married to each other or
  • in a civil partnership with each other or
  • in a long-term relationship with each other or
  • living together at the same address.

If you as the main contact do not hold one of the following positions, we will also need a legally 
responsible contact to sign.
  • Company - Director or Company Secretary
  • School - Head Teacher
  • Clinical Commissioning Group - Chief Executive or Director
  • Town/Parish Council - Clerk or Chair
  • All other types of organisation - Chair or Vice Chair or Treasurer
Second legally responsible contact
If you are a company, charitable incorporated organisation, CIC or Academy / Trust, we need signatures from two legally responsible contacts. This means that if your main contact is not in one of the above positions, we will also need a third signature from someone who is.

Please note: Your signatories cannot be:
  • related by blood
  • married to each other
  • in a civil partnership with each other
  • in a long-term relationship with each other
  • living together at the same address.
Main Signatory

Please provide names of additional people in your organisation that would be required to approve the grant terms and conditions, if your application for grant funding is successful
Co Signatories 

If this is different from the applying organisation, please speak to us before continuing with your application

Project Information

Project Details


Project Summary. Please provide a brief summary of the proposed project. 

Here are some points to consider / cover when telling us about your project:
  • What you would like to do (describe the project and activity) and the difference your project will make
  • Who the people are that will benefit from your project?
  • What is the approximate number of beneficiaries you expect to reach /engage / reach?
  • How are you are considering any equality, diversity and inclusion issues within your project.
  • How you are considering any environmental issues (if applicable)
  • How you'll make sure people know about your project
  • Do you plan to learn from your project and use this learning to shape future projects?
  • Is your project something new, or are you continuing something that has worked well previously?

  • For capital projects:
    • If you own the building
    • For a building where you are a tenant – have you sought permission for any required changes?
    • Do you need planning permission? Has this been applied for / granted? (please provide any indicative timescales)

You can write up to 500 words for this section, but don't worry if you use less.
You can also consider using bullet points (-).

The NDA uses an approach based on HM Treasury’s standard methodology for making investments when it assesses whether to fund socio-economic projects. This means that we look at all applications in five ways. We look at the:
Strategic case for the project
Economic case for the project
Commercial case for the project
Financial case for the project
Management case for the project

Finally, we expect you to be able to substantiate claims made in this application. All projects are different, and evidence of claims can be presented differently. Suitable forms of evidence may include: accounts, annual reports, websites, letters of support, or evidence from surveys or feasibility studies. 

Strategic Case

Strategic Case Details

Local strategy excerpt, IMD data or other economic or social data

Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) will only consider funding projects that fit with our community investment funding criteria. Please provide a summary of outcomes of the project, showing how they fit with our themes. Later on in this form, there are some more precise questions about expected project outcomes. Please note that we make a distinction between outputs and outcomes. An output is what a project delivers (eg training young people) and an outcome is what changes as a result (for example, people use the training to get a better job). 

Please use the table below to indicate the intended outcomes of the project you are seeking funding for. For example, if your project is intended to create new jobs, include an estimate of the total number of people who you think will gain employment as a result of the project (converted into full-time equivalents). This should include the people employed directly on the project, but also the new jobs created. 

Please fill in all the measures that you think are relevant and include realistic estimates wherever you need. Give the figures you would expect if the project were a success, but be realistic. 

We appreciate that it may be difficult for you to do this accurately, but these measures are an important part of our assessment process. In asking you for this information we are trying to be clear about outcomes, but also looking at how efficient your project is likely to be (for example how many jobs will be created as a result of our funding). 

Please note that you will be expected to report on these outcomes as part of the project evaluation and monitoring.   
How does your project meet our funding priorities?
Points to cover should include:
  • How the project fits in with the Community Investment Funding criteria of: Natural & Built Environment, Economic Development or Community Wellbeing
  • How do you know there is a need / demand for this project?
  • What are the project outputs (in other words what will the project deliver, (e.g. wellbeing sessions held, conservation days held, training courses provided, number of employment opportunities, apprenticeships created)?
  • How you will measure the benefits of the project (such as via surveys etc)
You can write up to 300 words for this section, but don't worry if you use less. You can
also consider using bullet points (-)
Outcomes and Measures 
Please provide a summary of outcomes for your project
Outcome - Disadvantaged members of the community will be better able to access benefits and services that they are entitled to
Measure - Beneficiaries will be asked to assess if their knowledge has increased in regard to benefits and services after attending benefit advice sessions
Estimated target - 50

Community Wellbeing

For example improvements to community facilities, enhancement of the quality of life or health and well-being of the community

Natural or Built Environment 

Including cultural and natural heritage, especially where economic benefits, for example through tourism, can be demonstrated

Economic Development

For example employment opportunities, job creation, skills development, education or training, promotion of local enterprise, long-term economic development or economic diversification

Community Partnership Specific

For example employment opportunities, job creation, skills development, education or training, promotion of local enterprise, long-term economic development or economic diversification

Economic Case

This section of the form is designed to help us assess the economic costs and benefits of the project to the local community. It covers: 

Why NWS support is needed and what the likely economic/social/environmental impacts would be due to a lack of any support?

Information to demonstrate why your organisation cannot fund the project itself

That other methods to achieve the same/similar outcomes have been ruled out

That you have thought about other ways to deliver the outcomes of your proposed project and have ruled them out for sensible reasons. 

How much of the expected outcomes might happen anyway without NWS support 

Economic Case Details

Supporting evidence can be emails/letters showing organisations that you have approached, rejection emails, letters of support, bank statements.

Is there a more appropriate body/route?

Economic analysis including clear explanation for unquantified costs/benefits.

Commercial Case

This part of the application is concerned with feasibility and sustainability and the effect of funding changes on deliverability.  It should address any procurement required, such as the purchase of goods or services.  It should clarify contractual questions, including contractual milestones and delivery dates.   It should set out who is responsible for agreed outputs.  Risk management should be dealt with here also. We are expecting to see:

Evidence that the project regarded is feasible and deliverable
Evidence that the organisation delivering the project is a sustainable, reliable partner
Clear and credible milestones and delivery dates
What (if any) procurement is required and is there a procurement strategy
Identification of risks and a plan to mitigate against them
Any major dependencies – in other words, whether project dependent on any decisions or events outside of the applicant’s control.

Supporting evidence should be included to underpin any statements made. 

Commercial Case Details
Please clearly tell us about your project’s key milestones and delivery dates. If your application is successful these will form part of the grant agreement

Please set out any risks to project delivery and mitigations you have in place

Your Project Budget

This section covers affordability and sources of funding, including all expected costs and match-funding. 

Please do not enter £ symbol in any of the boxes

 Total project cost (£):
Please only 
enter numbers in all fields marked with a (£)
Breakdown of total project funding

Please ensure the yearly breakdown total is equal to the total project cost amount
Total Amount of funding requested (£):

Breakdown of funding requested

Please ensure the yearly breakdown total is equal to the total funding requested amount

Details of Match Funding                                                                                                                                                                                     

Please set out the budget for the project
Including different line items in the budget with a brief description.
Exclude VAT from any costs where you can recover VAT 
Including different line items in the budget with a brief description of the purpose of the expenditure. Also remember to include any contingency and costs to properly evaluate the project.

Please ensure the budget line item total is equal to the total project cost

You are required to submit financial projections to support your application.  A cashflow forecast template is available on our website for you to use if you wish. It is not a requirement to use our template if an organisation has their own equivalent.

Project Management

This section covers the deliverability of your project

Please set out your project plan. By this we mean how you are planning on delivering your project. You are free to present this as you see fit. Please attach any additional papers as you require.

Please set out your project plan. By this we mean how you are planning on delivering your project. 

Points to cover should include:
  • If your organisation has any experience of delivering similar types for work
  • Who will manage the project?
  • Your project plan (an outline of activity timescales).
  • If this is part of a wider piece of work where further future funding may be sought
You can write up to 300 words for this section, but don't worry if you use less. 
You can also consider using bullet points (-).

Please include any other relevant information that you think may be useful in assessing the deliverability of the project. If you have not included it elsewhere, suitable evidence may include programme of work/plans including:
  • Evidence of planning permission (if required), qualifications, job specs, phased delivery plans to include operation, legal Compliance assessment, Regulatory Compliance, policy documents, a communications plan, an evaluation plan etc.
Please also use this space to upload your policies for example 
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Volunteering
  • Safeguarding (if relevant) including working with children/ vulnerable adults 
  • Recruitment/Supervision 
  • GDPR/Data Protection 
  • EDI policies
If you have not included it elsewhere, suitable evidence may include: Programme of work/plans inc. dates, targets, milestones, ultimate objectives, CVs of those delivering, qualifications, job specs, phased delivery plans to include operation, legal Compliance assessment, Regulatory Compliance, policy documents, a communications plan, an evaluation plan etc.

Please add any other relevant information on the project not included elsewhere in the application.
  • e.g Programme of work/plans inc. dates, targets, milestones, ultimate objectives, CVs of those delivering, qualifications, job specs, Regulatory Compliance, policy documents, a communications plan, an evaluation plan etc.
Please upload your policies for example:
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Volunteering
  • Safeguarding (if relevant) including working with children/ vulnerable adults
  • GDPR/Data Protection 
  • EDI policies

Legal Issues and Documentation

If your application is successful, an End of Project Report template will be sent to you to complete three weeks before the project end date. There may also be additional reporting requirements. If you are successful we will outline all reporting in your grant acceptance letter.

Please note - You will be expected to demonstrate how money has been spent. Photographs, invoices/receipts etc. will be required. We will outline all reporting in your grant acceptance letter, which we will discuss and help you with in a call or in person.

A subsidy is a financial contribution using public resources, like the grant that you are applying for, which confers a benefit on the recipient. Without proper controls, subsidies could potentially cause economic harm or distortive effects, for instance, by giving unfair advantage to one enterprise over their competitors. For this reason, the UK Government regulations require you to provide NWS with details of all financial contribution(s) you may have received from any public resources. 

If you have not received any subsidy, please tick this box to confirm 

Please provide details of all public funding (e.g. grants, cash payments, loan or guarantee) your organisation (and any subsidiary organisation) has received or has yet to receive from all public bodies (e.g. Local Authority, Central Government, NHS, National Lottery distributors, members of the NDA group, etc.) in the:

(i) current financial year and

(ii) the two previous financial years

If you require more information on the subsidy control regime, see the government website at

Now that the UK has left the EU, the rules on what we know as ‘State Aid’ have changed. State aid is now referred to as a ‘Subsidy’.

A subsidy is a financial contribution using public resources which confers a benefit on the recipient. This could include, for example, a cash payment, a loan with interest below the market rate or a loan guarantee. Subsidies are administered by all levels of government in the UK including central government, devolved administrations and local authorities, as well as other types of public authority.

Subsidies should be given in the public interest, to promote a social good or address economic issues. For example, a subsidy could incentivise businesses to undertake research and development that increases economic productivity and wider prosperity, or to increase the uptake of low carbon


However, without proper controls, subsidies could potentially cause economic harm or distortive effects, for instance, by giving unfair advantage to one enterprise over their competitors. 

To comply with the new requirements, we must ascertain the amount of State support (public funding via public monies) an applicant has received in the current and last two financial periods. 

Please can you confirm and provide details of all financial assistance ( e.g. grants, cash payments, loans, guarantees, the forgoing of revenue otherwise due) that your organisation (including any persons within the same corporate group under common ownership and/or common control) has received, or is due to receive, from any public bodies (e.g. Local Authority, Central Government, NHS, National Lottery distributors, members of the NDA group, Copeland Community Fund etc) in the:

(i)                  elapsed part of the current 12 month period from 1 April to 31 March; and

(ii)                 the two preceding 12 month periods from 1 April to 31 March 


If you require more information on the Subsidy Regime, please see Overview of the subsidy control regime – a flexible, principles-based approach for the UK - GOV.UK (

Public body providing assistance Value of assistance (£) Date of assistance
Current Financial Year
Last Financial Year
Year before Last Financial Year
Data Protection Declaration

We will process the data in accordance with the guidance set out in the Government Functional Standard for General Grants. The Government Functional Standard for General Grants facilitates the recording and reporting of grant information across government, providing accurate data to enable departments to manage grants efficiently and effectively, while actively reducing the risk of fraud.

The data you supply will be stored on the NDA group Grants Management System which is managed by Hyphenate Limited and hosted on Salesforce. 

The data will be shared with Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) Community Investment and Social Impact Teams, and with members of the relevant Community Partnerships to process your application and any grant awarded. For audit and database admin purposes, we also share your information with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s Audit team and the Grant System Administrator if required.

For full details of our privacy notice, please click on the link below

The NDA uses an approach based on HM Treasury’s standard methodology for making investments when it assesses whether to fund socio-economic projects. This means that we look at all applications in five ways. We look at the:
Strategic case for the project
Economic case for the project
Commercial case for the project
Financial case for the project
Management case for the project

For larger applications (£200,000 plus) we expect you to annex a self-standing business case going into more detail. In any event, use our guidance to help you understand our requirements. For particularly large applications, you may wish to look at the HM Treasury general rules for project appraisal, sometimes known as the “Green Book”, However, applicants are under no obligation to follow the full Green Book methodology and should be able to rely on our specific guidance.

Finally, we expect you to be able to substantiate claims made in this application. All projects are different, and evidence of claims can be presented differently. Suitable forms of evidence may include: accounts, annual reports, websites, letters of support, or evidence from surveys or feasibility studies. 

The following documents will be required to support the application 

We aspire to continuous improvement of our systems and processes. If you think this form or the related guidance is unclear, unhelpful or could simply be improved, then please let us know.

If you have any questions or you are unable to submit the application form due to an error showing, please save your application (see save my progress & resume later at the end of the form) and contact the following, who will be able to help you.

For Theddlethorpe enquiries please email

If you think this form or the related guidance is unclear, unhelpful or could be improved, then please let us know.